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Market Cap
₹875 Cr.
  • Chemcon Speciality
  • 20 Microns
  • Vikas Lifecare
FAQs on Chemcon Speciality Chemicals Ltd. Shareprice

Chemcon Speciality has given lower returns compared to its competitors.
Chemcon Speciality has grown at ~-13.0% over the last 4yrs while peers have grown at a median rate of 1.58%

Yes, Chemcon Speciality is expensive.
Latest PE of Chemcon Speciality is 45.97, while 3 year average PE is 27.55.
Also latest EV/EBITDA of Chemcon Speciality is 27.97 while 3yr average is 17.97.

Growth Table
  • Chemcon Speciality Chemicals Ltd.
  • 20 Microns
  • Vikas Lifecare
Balance Sheet
  • Chemcon Speciality Chemicals Ltd.
  • 20 Microns
  • Vikas Lifecare
Balance Sheet Snapshot
Fund Flow Analysis
  • 1y
  • 3y
  • 5y
  • 10y
  • Increase
  • Decrease
  • Total
*Data is as of latest FY end
Profit & Loss
  • Chemcon Speciality Chemicals Ltd.
  • 20 Microns
  • Vikas Lifecare
Cash Flow
  • Chemcon Speciality Chemicals Ltd.
  • 20 Microns
  • Vikas Lifecare
Cash Flow Analysis
  • 1y
  • 3y
  • 5y
  • 10y
  • Increase
  • Decrease
  • Total
= Dominant Factor
  • Chemcon Speciality Chemicals Ltd.
  • 20 Microns
  • Vikas Lifecare
Quarterly Results
  • Chemcon Speciality Chemicals Ltd.
  • 20 Microns
  • Vikas Lifecare
Reverse DCF
locked 5
locked 10
locked 20
Implied Growth Rate over a 5 year period*
Implied Growth Rate over a 10 year period*
Implied Growth Rate over a 20 year period*
FAQs on Chemcon Speciality Chemicals Ltd. Financials

Balance sheet of Chemcon Speciality is strong.
It shouldn't have solvency or liquidity issues.

Yes, The debt of Chemcon Speciality is increasing.
Latest debt of Chemcon Speciality is -₹137.81 Crs as of Sep-24.
This is greater than Mar-24 when it was -₹298.37 Crs.

No, profit is decreasing.
The profit of Chemcon Speciality is ₹19.05 Crs for TTM, ₹19.19 Crs for Mar 2024 and ₹55.11 Crs for Mar 2023.

The company seems to be paying a very low dividend.
Investors need to see where the company is allocating its profits.
Chemcon Speciality latest dividend payout ratio is 26.59% and 3yr average dividend payout ratio is 26.59%

Companies resources are allocated to majorly productive assets like Plant & Machinery and unproductive assets like Cash & Short Term Investments, Capital Work in Progress, Accounts Receivable, Short Term Loans & Advances

Data feed provided by Accord Fintech