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What's New

Company page
New Forensics Experience
We have made forensics nicer to use by adding a score, more fine grained rules and also fixing bugs like when data is not available etc
New Forensics Experience
15th May, 2024
Company page
Excel Download Added
Download latest 10 year financial data of companies as a premium user
Excel Download Added
15th May, 2024
Company Page
Gross Margin Added To Ratio Table
Gross Margin Added To Ratio Table
Gross Margin Added To Ratio Table
13th February, 2024
Market Monitor
Equal Weight Indices Added To Market Monitor
You can now toggle between Mcap weighted returns and equal weighted returns of indices, depending on your preference
Equal Weight Indices Added To Market Monitor
13th February, 2024
Company page
Compare financial statements of companies inline
Comparing financial statements inline gives insight in how a company is performing relative to peers. For eg you might realize that Devyani International is so much bigger than Westlife ( McDonalds) and Sapphire in terms of sales. Devyani does ~1.5X sales of Westlife.
Compare financial statements of companies inline
08th November, 2023