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Share your watchlist with just few clicks
Now share your watchlist with just a link 1. Go to watchlist & select the watchlist which you want to share 2. Click on Manage Watchlist & check the Share option 3. Click on copy link & share your watchlist with others
Share your watchlist with just few clicks
21st June, 2022
Revenue Mix Charts On Timeline
Get updates on revenue mix data by product and location on timeline.
Revenue Mix Charts On Timeline
02nd June, 2022
Financial Data
Enhanced Price Volume Fields On Filters
Added DMA, EMA, RSI, ADX, MACD, Volume fields data
Enhanced Price Volume Fields On Filters
19th May, 2022
Reverse DCF On Watchlist & Portfolio
Quickly scan reverse DCF estimates across all companies in your watchlist an portfolio in one click.
Reverse DCF On Watchlist & Portfolio
19th May, 2022
Share Updates On Timeline
Now share the events available on your timeline using a link or a direct hook to Whats App
Share Updates On Timeline
12th May, 2022