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Balance sheet of Balmer Lawrie & Co is strong.
It shouldn't have solvency or liquidity issues.
Yes, The debt of Balmer Lawrie & Co is increasing.
Latest debt of Balmer Lawrie & Co is -₹240.81 Crs as of Sep-24.
This is greater than Mar-24 when it was -₹972.62 Crs.
The profit is oscillating.
The profit of Balmer Lawrie & Co is ₹198 Crs for TTM, ₹253 Crs for Mar 2024 and ₹163 Crs for Mar 2023.
The company seems to pay a good stable dividend.
Balmer Lawrie & Co latest dividend payout ratio is 57.4% and 3yr average dividend payout ratio is 72.94%
Companies resources are allocated to majorly unproductive assets like Cash & Short Term Investments, Accounts Receivable